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​Performance team introduction


서로 다른 지역에 사는 레이첼,애쉬, 얌얌이 만났습니다. 팬데믹을 겪으며 여러 이유로 춤추지 못했던 댄서들이 다시 만나 춤출 수 있게 되었음을 축하며 이 공연을 만들었어요. 지금 이순간 춤추기 위해 모인 모든 댄서들에게 축하의 마음을 전합니다


This choreography was inspired by a moment of reunion. The first time Ash, Yam yam and Rachel reunited after a way too long pandemic back in 2022. With this choreography, we want to celebrate that at this moment we are dancing. Maybe you, like us, have also had moments of not dancing. Maybe because of a pandemic, a heartache, or a physical condition. And yet, here you are. Tonight we celebrate that we are dancing together.

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